Had a thought to take photos on the FIRST day of puppy training class as well as Graduation Day; the puppies grow so fast over the course of six weeks! Will be fun to compare the shots. Here’s our class Saturday afternoon class at Petsmart Niagara Falls.
Oscar (white) and Penny (cream) are Malti-Poo; Bits is a tiny Yorkie and Rooney is the stunning tan merle Rat Terrier with ice blue eyes.
Rooney the Rat Terrier, hanging out at the feet of Mike his Dad, who teaches Rooney’s mom Alyssa when he gets home – share the learning!
Abigail and Hannah are showing Penny the Shih Tzu a very nice “sit.”
Tabitha is an excellent dog trainer in training, here with her wee Yorkie named Bits. Her mom Claire and dad Don come to classes too.
Oscar the Maltese mix with his pet parents Naz and Sydney. Oscar is their first family small dog, and Naz’s very first time having a dog at home.
Its always a giggle to watch them grow by leaps each week! Stay tuned to our Facebook Page for more updates too.