In this dog training round up of fall 2017, there are so many pet parent and puppy training graduates; it never gets old and I love every minute of it.
Our featured photo class above includes Tucker the Australian Shepherd with his mom and dad Victoria and Jay, as well as Steve and Christine with their Pyranees mix breed dog Chloe. They all zipped through Puppy and Intermediate training together, and have the hats and certificates to prove it. Well done families!
Dog Training Graduate Classes
My first Trick Training class – so fun to have tiny Yorkies and galumphing young lab and husky all learn the same tricks! It was a rocking good talent show graduation.
Puppies big and small take home their Puppy Dog Training certificates – Osker, Milo, Candy and Benji (back for a refresher) …
and Tucker, Benji, Blue, Molly, Chloe and Charli all whizzed the classes.
Pet Parents Heather and Sarah know how to throw a puppy training party, and the more they do the better they get! Pups Bailey and Rocky are learning by leaps and bounds, first through Puppy Training then through Intermediate Training.
We are very much looking forward to taking the next step with them all when they return for Advanced Training in the New Year.
Beth and her White Shepherd Shine and Judi with her Golden Winni graduate Advanced Dog Training with grace and aplomb.
Honorable Mentions for Most Progress
Bill brought Moki to puppy class as a ten week old chocolate Lab. And he is still a chocolate lab of course, but now 6 months old at Intermediate Graduation. That’s because Moki had to deal with a long sickness in between classes, that is to say a long absence between Puppy and Intermediate. Even so, Bill did not lose the faith, and with ongoing practice Moki is going to be a wonderful (though always energetic!) companion.
Melanie and her partner Chris (not pictured) adopted Lilly and rescued her from a bad fate. As a Mountain Cur (the breed’s name) she was made to guard, hunt and generally be alert to all around her. When she’s alert, she is talking. Loudly, and for a long time. We give Lilly and her pet parents a huge high five for maintaining her training no matter the perceptions of others. Lilly will always be a dog reactive dog, and with her parents consistent support she will also learn to trust and respect their guidance. Brooke and Melanie took Lilly through her exercises at graduation.