Hard not to take a wonderful dog photo for Christmas with each of this trio of lovely ladies. Meet our regular playdate companions Daisy the Flat Coated Retriever, Sasha the Husky Shepherd and Ripley the Olde English Bulldog in their holiday best!
Lovely Lady Christmas Dog
With her expressive brown eyes and lovely gaze, Daisy the flat coated retriever is the perfect dog photo subject. Just like last year, she is happy to oblige us in whatever holiday shenanigans we ask of her.

Daisy Daisy
High energy Sasha the young Husky Shep really made us work. Laying down or sitting still does not seem half as much fun as rolling around in an lady Santa suit, pulling down the lights and generally making us give her more treats! Silly gal, next year we’ll be ready for her with an extra set of elfen hands!

Sasha Sasha
Lovely Lady Ripley Bulldog

On the polar opposite end of the “sit still and smile” spectrum is Ripley the young Olde English Bulldog. You all might remember her from previous posts way back when she was an adoptable puppy. So happy to report we see her regularly, and she could not be in a happier home for the holidays, and furever!
Ripley Ripley
Even when she has her “humbug” face on she is adorable! And she is still little enough to fit in the holiday basket, so bonus for our photos.

Many thanks to the helping hands of our colleague Tegan in capturing the best Christmas dog photos from these lovely lady subjects. Can’t wait to see them all again next year.