puppy playdates

Pandemic Playdate Program Wrap Up

The A + B + C+ D alphabet spells out the end of our pandemic-response scheduled play date program here at Furever Pet Care. But there are still options for your summer puppy fun.

A – the summer is in full swing. B – the humans have been (mostly) poked and freed. C – many of our playdate families want to get out, travel and do stuff with their entire pack, including the dog. Mixing and mingling means your dogs get to see new friends too. D – One of the main reasons we launched the pandemic playdate program was to help dogs prepare for this very time, when they would again be out and about in social settings, dog and human, that are more like “normal” times.

Dog Boarding At Your Service

The flip side is our Dog Boarding reservations have increased in direct proportion to people  traveling. That aspect may provide opportunities to pair your dog with a guest boarding dog when appropriate.  “Appropriate” meaning the boarding pet parents have given permission to do so, the dog feels like it (some are nervous away from home), the weather co-operates – you get the idea.

Dog Daycare Available

Doggy daycare is a service I provide to regular clients on an as-needed basis. Arrangements are made with an eye to my training schedule at Unleashed Niagara. We have indoor Puppy Socials at Unleashed Niagara also, great no matter the weather. The wee ones under 16-20 weeks get terrific socialization opportunities with dogs their own age.

All the dogs taking part in Unleashed Niagara puppy socials are in fact puppies. At Furever Pet playdates, we continue to match dogs according to energy and play style. Puppies may be hanging out with young adults, which is also a great way for young dog to learn good doggy manners.

Many many thanks for sharing your dogs with me and my pack these past months, it’s been a joyful way to get through this global pandemic!