Winston is a 10 month old Cocker Spaniel who has come to stay with Furever Pet Care while mum and dad are away. A little shy at first, a slow start, but in no time flat he was up and running with the pack now. Welcome Winston – we are having a blast!

The morning after the drop off can be a little bewildering. Winston is a little bleary eyed and shy, nothing a refreshing potty break and some breakfast won’t solve.
Sure enough with the morning “biznezz” done he’s ready to take on the yard – zoom zoom! This guys is a firecracker, just like mum told us. It’s all go-go-go and smiling as he goes. Time to introduce Winston cocker spaniel to some friends.
Friendly Cocker Spaniel

Doesn’t take long for these two younguns’ to figure each other out. Winston is just a pup, and Stella the Min Pin is only a wee bit older, so they get down to the act of having a ton o’ fun.

Dog Boarding During COVID
Obviously the global pandemic has had more than a little effect on the dog boarding business. So we are doubly grateful when a pet parent client makes a referral as was the case with Winston’s family. Our best wishes to the Norman family and their own little firecracker Lucky who referred young Winston to our care.