Nothing like a challenge to get the Yuletide spirit flowing. Not just one dog, but two, and not just two dogs but The Siblings. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, and we sure have a whole lot of fun trying!
Rudy and Chloe
Rudy and Chloe Bichon Poodle siblings just a bit more than half a year old. They are new participants in our Social Shenanigans here at Furever Pet Care. We can not wait to celebrate more costume holidays with them, cuz lookit how gosh darn cute they are and not a bit of fuss!
Rudy Gingerbread Elfen Chloe
Chloe Rudy Chloe
Abigail and Oliver
Known on Instagram as @OllsAndSmalls, these two siblings are famous in their own right, and super confident in front of a camera. Unlike the Beagles and the Bichons, Abby and Oliver are not litter mates (obvs!) and love each other just as fiercely.

Oliver Oliver like the gift he is!
Abigail Abby Abigail Abby does the pro model over-the-shoulder pose
Comfort and Joy
Yes, truly those are their all-the-time names, and of course our most favourite beagle siblings on the whole earth. They were brought home by their furever mum together. Mom arrived at the breeder to bring one beagle home, and just could not leave the last, so she brought them both home. I have all the respect in the world for Mom, especially since raising beagle siblings as a first time dog momma is a challenge and them some.

Comfort Joy Comfort Joy
No matter what happens on screen with our dog photo shoots, we have the privilege of bonding with the dogs in our care, as well as providing a smile to the generous pet parents who trust us with their fur babies.