It is time for young Phlyzer QuarrinTini the Canary to claim a sweet spot to sing all his own!
Adopt a Canary, Joy In Your Life
This sweet songbird’s name was inspired by the times in which he was born. He is a pandemic canary – yup, there is such a thing says I. I received the Phyzer vaccine to stay healthy and look after him. And he is a beautiful, amazingly talented singer, just like my partner Paul Quarrington. Thus the moniker, “Phlyzer QuarrinTini.”
Phlyzer started like as all birds do – tiny and really ugly! The universe gifts the winged ones with the ability to grow real fast. In no time he was a fledgling tentatively perching on my finger. Then a full feathered fella of his own.

Everything was fine in the canary room until the youngster reached maturity and breeding season came round. I suppose its not so unusual and sons have issues with fathers … Phlyzer decided he was the better lover to his mother — hey, they’re birds! in captivity! He became relentless in his pestering of Hawk his natural dad.
So much as it pains me to think of his song-making elsewhere, another home it must be, for his happiness and his parents happiness.

Phlyzer is looking for a home that will appreciate his day-long trills and treblings, for he is truly a wonderful singer. He enjoys accompaniment whether that be hairdryer, vaccuum or blender in the kitchen. He heartily joins in when the dogs bark their greeting to master or mailman.
Phlyzer hatched March 27, 2021. His mom is Vida a Red Factor Canary, and his dad is Hawk, a Yellow Roller. He has been wellness checked, has his tiny toenails clipped as needed, and eats and sleeps quite well.

His regular enclosure is quite large (24x36x48″); we would like to see him have the equivalent or more in his furever home. Even better would be to have free flight options – he currently takes turns having the fly of the bird room here at our place.

Canaries are easy keepers once a care-giver arranges the environment appropriately. The canary room has a UVB light, body heaters for the winter, the birds eat an extruded pellet as their main diet plus daily rations of dark leafy greens, bits of fresh fruit and vegetable. Water is changed twice a day, and these birds absolutely love playing in the bird bath.

Interested bird adopters please contact me via the contact page on this website, with some details about your bird-caring experience, and the set up you may already have in place. Please note my hours are not regular, so responses will come as quickly as I am able.
Canaries Vida Red Factor and Hawk Yellow Roller are also available to very experienced canary owners – please reach out for more information.