One of the dog daycare bonuses is the opportunity for individual dogs to both meet, and get to know other dogs of all ages, sizes and temperaments. Thats why we are particularly chuffed when a group comes together than really promotes the bonus.
Today we have Jack the Chi, Lucky from Lebanon, Oscar the MaltiPoo, and Ben the Red Fox Lab. Fantastic for each and every one of them!
Lucky lives in Toronto where there are lots of dogs. He is shy, so tends to bark at them from afar. At Furever Pet Care he gets to interact with them for the whole day! Lucky has spent time now with both Minnie (below) and Jack, plus there will be many more between now and the time he goes back home at the end of June.
Dog Daycare Bonus
Jack the Chihuahua was rescued by his mumz and comes to us for weekly socialization. Every week he is here, he gets braver and more confident. He approaches Ben the 10 week old puppy cautiously.
Within 30 minutes they were totally fine sharing romps with Oscar.
It was fascinating to which how quickly Ben started to understand the rules of play. Jack the Chi being is primary instructor this day.
Oscar was his first mate the day before. After a few yips, they sorted out the mouth control no problem.
Now even the chihuahuas don’t mind scrumming with the puppy! Stay tuned for more updates with the gang next week.